Gone With The Wind

or Icy wind. That's the name of the cake. But I love Scarlet O'Hara and movie Gone with a wind, so we''ll call it Gone with a wind...well, partly it is true, the cake is gone, with just one blow :)

The cake is 3xF, but not in a bad way. It's fluffy, fruity, fantastic! If cake attended school for Cakes, she would be straight A's!

9 egg whites
300 g sugar
1 tablespoon vinegar

Cream I:
9 egg yolks
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoon vanilla sugar
500 ml milk
150 g margarine (optional, I don't like margarine very much, so I don't put any)

Cream II:
whipping cream

AND..Strawberries, or any other berries or fruit. But i looove strawberries. 

For batter: Beat the egg whites with the vinegar or lemon juice until soft peaks form. Add sugar, little by little, while beating by hand or machine. Whip until stiff. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and pour the batter into the pan and bake in preheated oven (150 C) for about 1 hour. Cut the batter into 3 strips.

Cream I: Mix egg yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar until smooth. Add flour and 200 ml of milk. Place  rest of the milk (300 ml)  in saucepan over low heat. When the milk starts to boil, add egg mixture and stir well until it's cooked. When the cream is cool, add margarine and mix well until it's smooth. 

Cream II: Just 1 l of cream, whipped.

So here is the fun part: Use 1/3 of batter and place it on a pan. Then spread 1/3 of cream I over it, place chopped strawberries, and cream with whipping cream. Repeat procedure 2 more times. Than spread the remaining whipping cream cake all over the cake and decorate with strawberries. Place it in refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Eat it.. 

Don't worry about calories..listen to Scarlet:

I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. 
I'll think about that tomorrow. 

:D :) 

Ledeni vjetar

9 bjelanjaka
30 dkg šećera
1 žl octa
Izmiksati sve, dok smjesa ne postane čvrsta i dok se šećer ne sjedini. Istresti u veliku tepsiju i sušiti u pećnici. Oko 1 sat na 150 C. Pečeno izrezat po dužini na tri djela.

9 žumanjaka
4 žlice šećera
4 žlice brašna – izmiksati i dodati u proključalih pola litre mlijeka s 3 vanili šećera. Miješati dok se ne zgusne.

Krema 2:
2 slatka vrhnja

+ jagode ili neko drugo voće

Filovati: kora – fil – jagode – šlag – kora – fil – jagode – šlag – kora – krema – šlag naokolo svuda



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