Saturday, October 5, 2019

Paper pumpkin

Slowly, autumn came. Well, not very slow. We went from flip flops to warm socks. It may be a hard transition for us old folks, but the kids didn’t see obstacles, just: puddles, colorful leaves, pumpkins, Halloween.
For weeks, I've only been listening about Halloween pumpkins, hearing to songs about skeletons and ghosts.
For days I was getting ready to find time to put a "write to-do" list on the to-do list, where I’ll be writing an important note: "Find Halloween projects". But this crispy morning, sitting on the couch and playing with the kids, this pumpkin idea spontaneously came into life. 

The pictures are not glorious, same as the pumpkin itself, because we’re not expert Pinterest people, but hey, the idea is great. And the final project is awesome because happiness is not all in aesthetics, most of it is in the feeling while you are doing it.

So, here's a quick explanation.

1. The child digs out the only remaining collage of paper and it is, luckily, orange.

2. Grasp the scissors (caution with children) and cut along the shorter side of the paper.

3. Glue edges of the strips (again caution) into the circle. I know, ‘m explaining it like a pro. Let it dry.

4. Now glue the other end of the strips the same way, so you get the shape of a pumpkin. Let it dry again.

5. Try to explain your kids not to chop the pumpkin before you're done.

6. Cut the kind-of-rectangle shape out of black paper and glue it on a top.

7. Cut 3 triangles for the eyes and nose. Than mouth. Glue that too. Let it dry.


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