Yes, please.
Old cake with a twist. Not in a form of cake, but in a form of a Cupcake.
What I've got? Some hybrid between
muncmallow and my original cake.
No one complained, au contraire...:)
6 egg yolks
6 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder
2 tablespoons of cocoa
3 teaspoons of baking powder
1 tablespoon of oil
200 ml milk
7 tablespoons of flour
400 g of sugar
2 vanilla sugar
half lemon (juice)
6 egg whites
Chocolate Glaze
100 g of milk chocolate
150-200 g of dark chocolate
4 ml of milk
4 tablespoons of oil
For a batter: mix with electric mixer egg yolks and sugar until smooth. Than add oil and milk. Mix. Add chocolate, cocoa, baking powder and flour. Mix well. Divide the mixture between the cake cases, filling each on about ¾ full, and bake for 15-20 min.
For meringue: Fill medium saucepan one quarter full with water. Set the saucepan over medium heat, and bring water to a simmer. Combine egg whites, sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon juice in the heatproof bowl of electric mixer, and place over saucepan. Whisk constantly until sugar is dissolved and whites are warm to the touch, for about 10 minutes. Test by rubbing between your fingers.
Transfer bowl to electric mixer fitted with the whisk
attachment, and whip, starting on low speed, gradually increasing to
high until stiff, glossy peaks form, about 10 minutes.
Fill a pastry bag with the meringue and starting in the centre of cool cupcake, pipe a spiral of meringue into a 2-inch-high cone shape

For chocolate glaze: In a stainless steel bowl, placed over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the chocolate, oil and milk. Stir until chocolate is smooth and completely melted. Remove from heat.Transfer to a small bowl, and let cool about 15 minutes. Holding each cupcake by its bottom, dip cupcake in the chocolate to coat frosting, allowing excess to drip off. Transfer to a baking sheet fitted with a wire rack. Spoon more coating around edge of cupcake and any exposed frosting.
Put it in refrigerator for about 1 hour. Eat it. Enjoy it. :D :)
6 žumanjaka
6 žlica šećera
3 žl čokolade u prahu
2 žlice kakaoa
1 prašak za pecivo
1 žlica ulja
2 dcl mlijeka
7 žlica brašna
400 g šećera
2 vanilin šećera
mrvu soka od limuna
6 bjelanjaka
100 g mliječne čokolade
150 - 200 g čokolade za kuhanje
malo (4 ml) mlijeka
4 žlice ulja
Dakle, za tijesto klasika: žumanjci i šećer, pa dodamo ostale sastojke, dok se sve fino ne sjedini. Ulijemo tijesto u košarice (napunimo oko ¾) koje smo prethodno stavili u kalup za muffine . I stavimo peći. Za šaum priredimo veću i manju posudu (ne plastičnu dakako, jel ide to sve na vatru :D). U jednu nalijemo vode i stavimo na štednjak. U drugu stavimo bjelanjke, šećer, vanilin šećer i malo soka od limuna, malo umutimo i stavimo u veću posudu na vatru. Miksamo mikserom oko 10 minuta, dok se šećer ne otopi. Ne smije biti predugo, ali opet ni prekratko, to onak, po procijeni :D Izvadimo manju posudu iz vode, tj. veće posude, i nastavimo miksat još 10 minuta.
Šaum se počne odvajat od posude, divno nešto, toliko čvrst bude!
Vrećicom za ukrašavanje (ili ja uvijek pogubim neki dio tih tubica za ukrašavanje, pa je dobra i obična vrećica za zamrzavanje s malo zarezanim rubom :D :)) šaum stavljamo na ohlađene muffine.
Za glazuru sve stavimo i kuhamo na pari, dok se ne sjedini. Glazuru istresemo u neku užu i dužu posudicu (al da stane maffin i po dužini i širini, fkors) i tarararara umačemo
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