Reforme Cake

Autumn is here. Leaves are falling, the sky is grey, birds are gathering on electric wires and moving in warmer lands...nature is descending..and the smell of rotting woods is always appealing to me. It makes me feel calm and satisfied. Brown, yellow, shades of green...

In that particular mood, I decide to share this rich, but also flour-less cake, in the colors of autumn and taste of warmth. Hope you'll like it :)

6 egg whites
200 g of sugar

200 g of ground walnuts

zest od half lemon

 6 egg yolks
200 g of sugar

100 g of chocolate

150 g of margarine or butter

With electric mixer whip egg whites until soft peaks form, add sugar and mix it until smooth, and all sugar is dissolved. Add ground walnuts. Mix gently. Grease a baking sheet and spread batter into prepared pan (large pan, from the oven, about 28x23 cm). Bake till it's lightly brown. Cut baked batter in three strips (lengthwise). Place bottom layer on a cake stand and with an offset spatula, carefully top with 1/3  of filling. Place the second cake layer on top, spread with another 1/3cof the filling. Repeat with the third layer. Spread with remaining cream around the cake, and decorate with ground walnuts.

Egg yolks and sugar put in a double boiler, stir constantly until it begins to foam, add chocolate and cook until it thickens. Let it cool.
In cold cream whisk butter.

Summer grows old, cold-blooded mother.
The insects are scant, skinny.
In these palustral homes we only
Croak and wither. 
Sylvia Plath

Reforma torta

6 bjelanjaka 

200 g šećera 
200 g mljevenih oraha 
malo limunove kore

6 žumanjaka 

200 g šećera 
100 g čokolade 
150 g margarina

1. Za tijesto izradimo bjelance, dodamo šećer i na kraju orahe. Istresemo u tepsiji od rerne i pečemo (staviti masni papir ili dooobro nauljiti i posuti brašnom, jer je tijesto krhko. No ni to nije problem, kad se slaže torta može izgledati sve ruševno, al kad se na kraju reže, ništa se ne primjeti ;) :)). 

Pečeno tijesto po dužini izrežemo na tri trake. Na tacnu stavimo jednu traku, premažemo filom, zatim drugu, opet fil, treću i onda sve fino obmažemo (dal ta riječ uopće postoji :D). Pospemo mljevenim orasima, ukrasimo M&M bombonima, ili već po volji. 

2. Fil kuhamo na pari - žumanjci, šećer i čokolada. 
Na kraju u malo prohlađeno dodamo margarin i dobro izmiksamo.

Ako se tijesto teže vadi, presijecite svaku traku po pola (okomito na traku, jel), nek se runi, nek radi što hoće, ne odustajte i samo slažite kao puzzle, ništa se na kraju ne primijeti :)

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